Zero-Tolerance Harassment Policy
Harassment is a term that is understood in different ways by different people. At Wandering Folk Society, we operate under the assumption that every single one of our Members understands that harassment is unwanted and unwelcome and that none of our members will engage in such behavior. This Harassment policy applies to all Members at our Events and outside of our Events when interacting with other Members, especially in regards to Wandering Folk Society and its Events and Games.
Our definition of harassment is as follows:
Harassment is a course of conduct that annoys, threatens, intimidates, alarms, or causes a person to fear for their safety. Harassment is behavior that is unwanted, unwelcome, and uninvited, and it demeans, threatens, or offends the recipient to the point of creating a hostile environment. Harassing behavior may include, but is not limited to, derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, lewd propositions, assault, impeding or blocking movement, offensive touching, or any physical interference with normal movement. Visual insults, such as derogatory posters or images, also constitute harassment.
We expect that all members of Wandering Folk Society will refrain from making unrequested or harassing statements, sexual advances, or physical advances toward others at any time.
Certain interactions may be unkind or unpleasant but do not rise to the level of harassment as defined here. For this interactions, we recommend avoidance of whichever person you find unkind or unpleasant.
Reporting Harassment
If you believe you are experiencing harassment according to our definition, please reach out through one of the following methods:
Out-of-Game Complaints:
§ Please contact us through with the Subject Line “Harassment Complaint” followed by:
Ø Name of Respondent
Ø Name of Complainant
Ø Date of Occurrence(s)
Ø Location(s) of Occurrence(s)
Ø Names of Witnesses
Ø Screenshots or any other evidence
§ Complaints should be received directly from the person experiencing harassment, though we support any member helping another with this process. If someone has been made aware of a Complaint and the Complainant is too scared or nervous to come forward, another person may make the Complaint on their behalf and discretion will be used accordingly, to ensure the safety of everyone involved, while also otherwise responding to Harassment with appropriate levels of concern.
§ Complaints will be reviewed privately and securely, with all information kept confidential.
In-Game Complaints:
If harassment occurs during an in-game event, please follow this in-game reporting process:
Ø Find your assigned Steward who is your Culture or Other Lead first, or if unavailable, reach out to an Arbiter Steward, and if needed, any other Steward or Warden.
Ø Any Steward or Warden will bring any in-game complaints to a Warden, initiating the in-game Conduct Review Procedures. These will be reported within twelve (12) hours.
When Harassment reaches a level of breaking criminal laws prosecution shall be sought.